Thursday, February 26, 2015

12th, Reflection on the Movie "Three Idiots"

Hi Class,

Please watch the movie, "Three Idiots".  Write your personal reflections on the said movie. God bless. Happy watching and reflecting.

Doc Raqui

11th, Review of Related Study

Hi Class,

Please research a related studies on our topic (physical, language, cognitive and socio-emotional), briefly write a summary of the study and your personal insights.

Doc Raqui

10th, Theories of Personality

Hi Class,

Please answer the following:

1. Briefly describe the development of your personality.
2. Study or research on the theories of personality.
3. Which theory best describe the development of your personality (e.g. Psychoanalytic, Erickson, Bandura, Behavioral, etc)? Explain

Doc Raqui

9th, Moral Development

Hi Class,

Please answer the following:

1. Among the theories of moral development, which one do you agree? Explain.

2. In your own words, define morality?

3. What is your basis of right and wrong?

4. How do you plan to teach morality among your students/children? Give example.

Doc Raqui